From wedding

Chelsea Town Hall Wedding

Happy Anniversary weekend to this gorgeous pair!

This time last year they were tying the knot at Chelsea Town Hall and celebrating with their closest friends and family……and their daughter Florence, the cutest little flower girl I ever did see! After the ceremony we took a walk to Albert Bridge for some couple shots, it was pretty magical….

2016: Family & Photography


2016 was packed full of love and I was invited along to capture it all! Family has always been at the heart of what I do, it’s the reason I love my job so much and last year it shone through more than ever.  I met some lovely new families, caught up with some familiar faces and we even started a little family of our own with the arrival of Hetty!

Juggling Hetty and my photography meant it was definitely a year of multi-tasking…..I learnt to edit with Hetty strapped to me in a baby carrier, I fed her in between speeches at a wedding and travelled to Italy with her at 3 months old to photograph a family wedding!

2016 was full of love, chaos and fun…..and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

Thanks for a great year!

Laura x



Behind the scenes…..


I discovered a new way of editing

Processed with VSCO with b1 preset

Exploring the streets of Malcesine, Italy


Chilling by the pool in Ibiza while mummy’s working!

Thanks to Jack and to our families for your help and support, love you all loads xxx

Elixir Shore Club Ibiza Wedding


I love an Ibiza wedding and when I heard that Simone and Elliot were tying the knot at the beautiful Elixir Shore Club I was more than a little bit excited!  We were guests at our friends wedding there last year and I had been dreaming of shooting at Elixir ever since.  So, off I headed to Ibiza with my husband and 7 month old baby in tow!

Simone and Elliot are such a chilled, friendly couple and it was really reflected in their wedding.  It was such a fun and relaxed day which included poolside champagne sipping, an intimate ceremony and the groom hitting the decks in the evening!   Elixir really is a photographer’s dream, a stunning beachfront location overlooking the sea on the quiet sandy beach of Cala Codolar. It was styled to perfection with simple, rustic details……right up my street!  Simone was the most chilled out bride ever and still kept her cool even when her shoe broke just before she was about to walk down the aisle!  Their friends and family were all fighting back the tears throughout the ceremony and speeches, it was clear how happy they were for them.  It was such a pleasure to be part of, thanks for having me along for the ride Simone and Elliot!

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Hetty’s Italian Adventure



What a beautiful place….we’ve just returned from a wonderful trip to Italy for my cousin’s gorgeous wedding (which I was lucky enough to photograph!) and our first family holiday with Hetty!  Even in the rain Malcesine had so much character and rustic charm, we spent our days wandering the quaint streets with ice-creams in hand exploring all the nooks and crannys….


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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!!

Hope you all had  a lovely festive break with your family and friends!

2015 was a busy year for me photography-wise and personally, I managed to squeeze in getting engaged, marrying my boy and becoming pregnant!!!  Really excited to see what 2016 holds, with baby McKinlay due in March and two destination weddings to shoot in Italy and Ibiza… it’s going to be a busy year!

Just wanted to say a massive thank you to all the lovely families and couples I’ve met this year, I really appreciate you supporting my little business.  It’s been such a pleasure photographing you all….

lots of love

Laura x


Rustic Back Garden Wedding


Meet Claire and Dan, the two of them (or three of them should I say!) had a gorgeous rustic back garden wedding at their cottage in Studham.

We found the perfect place for their couple shots, a secret garden that backed onto an amazing cornfield……the same spot that Dan proposed to Claire with a path of lights and a wooden ring box that he had made himself, so romantic and personal!

Here’s a sneak peek……





