From babies & children

Happy 6 Months!


This has been my first blog post for a while as a certain little lady has been keeping me very busy! I’ve had some time out on maternity leave to throw myself into family life and the joys and challenges of motherhood.  I’m loving being Hetty’s mummy and can’t believe she’s 6 months today!…’s been amazing watching her grow every day and learn new tricks, her favourites at the moment are blowing raspberries and doing a bit of downward dog (she must have been paying attention at baby yoga!)

Through the haze of sleepless nights I’ve tried to pick up my camera (or phone camera mainly as it’s always close by!) as much as I can but I really wanted some nice photographs of us all together as a family so booked a shoot with Eline.  It was a great experience and  a good reminder of how it feels to be on the other side of the camera….I had the same thoughts as a lot of mums who book a shoot with me; how can I persuade Dad in to doing the shoot?! what if my baby screams the whole time? what should we wear?  Eline instantly put us at ease, it was nice and relaxed and we all really enjoyed it….even Jack!

Having these precious newborn photographs of Hetty has made me even more passionate about doing the same for other families and I’m really excited to start shooting again!  I’m now taking bookings for October onwards so please get in touch if you would like me to photograph your family.

Laura xxx

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Hetty’s Italian Adventure



What a beautiful place….we’ve just returned from a wonderful trip to Italy for my cousin’s gorgeous wedding (which I was lucky enough to photograph!) and our first family holiday with Hetty!  Even in the rain Malcesine had so much character and rustic charm, we spent our days wandering the quaint streets with ice-creams in hand exploring all the nooks and crannys….


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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!!

Hope you all had  a lovely festive break with your family and friends!

2015 was a busy year for me photography-wise and personally, I managed to squeeze in getting engaged, marrying my boy and becoming pregnant!!!  Really excited to see what 2016 holds, with baby McKinlay due in March and two destination weddings to shoot in Italy and Ibiza… it’s going to be a busy year!

Just wanted to say a massive thank you to all the lovely families and couples I’ve met this year, I really appreciate you supporting my little business.  It’s been such a pleasure photographing you all….

lots of love

Laura x


Wedding Bump to Baby


Remember Claire and Dan’s rustic,  back garden wedding earlier in the year?…..well, I had the pleasure of meeting and photographing their gorgeous new son, little Leo.  Such a chilled afternoon, listening to music and eating flapjack while snapping away!  It’s been so cool to document such an amazing year for them…..thanks for inviting me along for the ride Claire and Dan!!


A Wee Wedding in Bonnie Scotland



Just back from a magical adventure in bonnie Scotland!…days filled with walks on the beach, hot chocolates cuddled up by the log burner and a wee wedding just the 2 of us (3 including the bump!) The scenery was breath-taking and the sun even made an appearance!….the perfect way to enjoy some time together before the new arrival……I wish we could do it all over again













Trick or Treat?



I have some exciting news that we have a little pumpkin on the way, due in March 2016!

Sorry I’ve been a little quiet over the last few months, I’m feeling much better now that I’ve passed 20 weeks and will be doing shoots up until February 2016.  Please get in touch if you would like to book a shoot before then, I would love to see as many of you as I can before the new arrival comes!

Hope you have a fun Halloween ‘trick or treating’ with your little ones!

Happy Halloween!

Laura x

Newborn Shoot in Harpenden


Remember cutie-pie Tilly from the maternity shoot with her mum at the end of the summer?  Meet her adorable little sister Maisy……











Baby’s First Year Shoot in Twickenham


I love it when families book my Baby’s First Year Collection and I have the pleasure of photographing them at different stages of their family life.  I first met Neringa and Ronald for their  maternity shoot in Richmond Park and was really excited to photograph their new arrival at their home in Twickenham……meet beautiful Naia!  She loved having lots of kisses and cuddles with mum and dad and was so wide-eyed and alert….she didn’t want to miss a thing!  Looking forward to seeing her again for her 1 year shoot, something tells me she’s going to have amazing hair!!

If you would like more information or to book a Baby’s First Year Collection just get in touch here

Laura x





Harpenden Maternity Shoot


When Nicki got in touch to book an outdoor Maternity Shoot near her home in Harpenden we looked for a location with a big open space where little Tilly could run around and have fun.  We decided on Nomansland Common, between Wheathampstead and Sandridge, and arrived on a sunny morning to find lots of pretty yellow flowers which matched their outfits perfectly!!  Tilly spent the morning running through the grass, playing peek-a-boo and picking flowers for her mum!…..a lovely way to capture some relaxed, natural shots of her with her mum before a new little brother or sister arrives.

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Southwold Summer Photoshoots


In August I will be heading to Southwold in Suffolk for our annual summer holiday…..

Last year I had the pleasure of photographing some lovely families while I was there and would love to do the same again this year!

I’ve spent my summer holidays in Southwold for the last 30 years and it’s one of my favourite places to photograph…the colourful beach huts, rustic harbour and pastel painted cottages make the perfect backdrop for a fun family photo shoot.  We can go for a walk along the beach, skim stones, eat ice creams, play in the sandy dunes or head down to the harbour!…..

I’ll be there the first 2 weeks in August (2nd-14th) if you’re holidaying at the same time and would like to have some natural family photographs taken please get in touch for more details.

Laura x







